Winter Care For Your Garden
The colder months are getting closer and its a good idea to prepare your garden for the changes in temperature.
Here are a few of our top tips to keep your garden at its best this winter.
Perennials are wonderful plants that return year after year after dying back before winter. Mulch your old and dying perennials and add a layer of straw around the area to help their survival when it frosts.
It is always a good idea however, to leave some attractive seed heads to form (teasels, honesty etc) for birds to eat. These will also create habitats for insects over the colder months.
Protect your plants
Protect your annuals and other half-hardy plants from frost by covering them in evening and harsh conditions with fleece.
You can also move them inside overnight; sheds, garages and conservatories are best.
Garden pots
Protect your garden pots from frost and snow by raising them off the ground using pot feet, this will help prevent waterlogging and any cracking. You can also wrap your pots with bubblewrap in extreme conditions.
Lift and divide perennials
Lift and divide tender perennial bulbs such as Dahlias, and store them over winter.
Spring-flowering bulbs
Plant hardy spring-flowering bulbs now for a lovely and colourful display the following spring.
Trees & shrubs
Take care of your trees and shrubs – give them regular watering’s before the frost ensues.
Cut back and prune any trees or shrubs once all autumn leaves have fallen off. Tip – pile these remains into piles to create a sheltered spot for small mammals and insects.
Clearing up
Tidy away any fallen leaves or garden debris off of pathways, lawns, and out of ponds. It is a great idea to pile them up into sheltered areas and leave them for any overwintering wildlife, or add them to a compost heap or turn into leaf mulch.
Prune roses
It is a good idea to cut back roses in late winter – don’t be shy, most roses can handle a good pruning, and giving them a good cut back will ensure you a wonderful display when they begin to bloom again.
Protecting taps
Protect any garden taps and exposed pipes from frost and snow over winter – this will prevent them from bursting in extreme conditions.
Protecting young plants
Cover seedlings and saplings with fleece to protect them from frost.
Protecting crops
Protect half-hardy plants or winter crops such as winter salads with cloches or a cold frame.
Sow new varieties
In the new year, sow new vegetable and flower varieties inside so that they can be planted out when the ground begins to warm up.