Autumn, Gardening Tips, Latest News
Creating A Colourful Autumn Garden
As the new season is upon us, the days draw in and get shorter and the weather begins to drop, being out in the garden becomes a lesser habit.
Summer colour is now a thing of the past… but not to worry, here are some tips on adding instant vibrant colour to your garden.

Colourful Trees & Shrubs
One of the best ways to add autumnal colour to your outside space is by planting colourful trees and shrubs; they produce wonderful vibrant colours in autumn that will fill a space with warm hues.
Try Acer, Cornus, Euonymus Alatus, Dogwood and Viburnum.

Seasonal Plants
Seasonal plants will add instant colour to your garden; try bedding plants such as Violas and Pansies, and seasonal beauties like Hellebores.

Add instant texture and colours with ornamental grasses; there are a wonderful variety of ornamental grasses that can provide a unique touch to your garden over autumn.

Colourful Pots
Add instant colour and drama to your garden or outdoor space by using colourful pots; pop your favourite seasonal plant in it and viola! Instant impact.

Add warm or colourful lighting around your garden or outside space to add light as the nights draw in.
If you’d like to find out more or have questions then please do come and talk to our experts
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