Watling Street, Towcester, Northants, NN12 6GX
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Mon-Sat: 9am-5:30pmCafe: 9am-5pm

Sunday: 10:30am-4:30pmCafe: 10:00am-4pm

When preparing for a heatwave, looking after your garden can be a tricky job and its likely plants will suffer from the scorching heat.

Wilting is a common sign that the sun has been too much for your garden, but luckily there are a few tips you can follow to ensure your plants stay protected from the heat.

What Can I Do?


Water deeply and more frequently, and make sure you’re giving your plants a good drench.

As best practice its always best to water from below at the base; making sure you’re watering the soil and the not the leaves. Depending on the plant, if watered from above, their leaves can be scorched (such as Hydrangeas).

When to water

What time you water your plants during a heatwave is vital – do not be tempted to water during the height of the sun in the day, this is due to the water quickly evaporating.

Plants begin to use water in the morning, so this is when its best to give your plants a good drink. Watering in the evening is also fine once then sun has gone down.

Creating shade

When it is forecast to be hot, it is a good idea to move your container and potted plants into shady areas. This will help protect them from direct sunlight.

Drought & shade tolerant plants

We stock a fantastic variety of drought and shade tolerant plants, which are great for if your garden is prone to being a sun trap.

If you’d like to find out more or have questions then please do come and talk to our experts