Keep your garden looking neat and tidy for the seasons to come; before the cold weather arrives, its a good idea to give your garden a head start, ready for winter and spring time.
Here are our top tips for an autumn tidy up!
Fallen leaves
Remove leaves from your pathways, lawn and borders which can make for a fantastic leaf mould to use as mulch. It is also a good idea to pile up leaves where you can, in a safe space for animals that are overwintering and seeking refuge.
Tidying the lawn
Tidy up your lawn by clearing away fallen leaves, giving it a trim (around the edges too) and putting seed down on patches.
Raising pots off the ground
As the weather begins to get colder, its a good idea to raise your garden pots off the ground, or moving them into a sheltered spot. This allows for good drainage in cold conditions, and also reduces the risk of your pots cracking.
Deadheading helps to prolong and encourage flowering, keep your plants happy, and prevents them from setting seed.
You can do this easily by pinching off the faded blooms with your finger and thumb, or using a sharp pair of secateurs or scissors and cutting at an angle.
Tidy up garden borders
Remove weeds, dying plants, and fallen leaves and re-store the soil by covering with compost which will then settle over winter.
Be sure to leave any attractive seeds heads for birds, as this makes for a great meal over the colder months.
Install a water butt
Now is a great time to install a water butt into your garden or allotment to collect rainwater over autumn and winter.
Tip – float a ping pong or light ball in the water to stop it freezing over.
Clear spent crops
Tidying up old and dying vegetable crops and add them to a compost heap.
If you don’t have one already – start a compost heap. Rotted down organic matter is fantastic for feeding plants, using as mulch and help improve soil health.
Clean out nest boxes
Though nesting season is over, birds will be looking for refuge and warm shelter over winter – clear out your nest box for any new garden visitors.
Pond maintenance
Clean up any fallen leaves at the bottom of your pond before they begin to rot; do the same with any foliage. If you have pond visitors, leave a light ball (like a ping pong ball) floating on the surface to stop the water freezer over, trapping wildlife in.