Attract Bees into your Garden
Aim to have plants that are attractive to bees in flower from early spring to late autumns.
We’ve all heard reports that bees are in decline and the devastating effect their disappearance will have on our own survival. When moving from flower to flower, bees collect nectar and pollinate many garden and wild flowers – essential for the cropping of most fruits and some vegetables.
To support and encourage these vital pollinators into your garden this year, try to limit the use of pesticides and choose flowers with a single row of petals. These are more attractive to bees because they are richer in nectar and pollen and are easier to access.
Here are a few flowers we stock that bees particularly love:
Asters (Herbaceous) Available March, April, May & June
Cosmos (Bedding) Available July, August
Dahlias Available May, June
Foxglove Available March, April, May
Geraniums (Herbaceous) Available March, April, May, June
Hollyhocks (Herbaceous) Available March, April, May, June
Lavender Available Always in stock
Marigolds (Bedding) Available May, June, July, August
Rosemary Always in stock
Roses Always in stock
Sunflowers Available July, August
Thymus Always in stock
Zinnias Available June, July, August
Respect bees and it’s unlikely you’ll get stung!
All female bees have stings, but solitary bees are not at all aggressive and only use their stings in self-defence.
If you need any help or advice please contact one of our team for more info 01327 354 126