Add a splash of colour with Winter Bedding & Shrubs
Just because summer has drawn to a close, it doesn’t mean your garden has to go into hibernation. There are more plants flowering than you might imagine – Bell Plantation owner, Ashley, loves Sarcococcca Confusa (Sweet Box), a medium size evergreen shrub with white winter flowers and the most incredible scent. There are many other shrubs which produce autumn and winter interest.
Below we take a look at some of the shrubs we have in stock, along with our winter bedding selection.
Discover a variety of shrubs
Viburnum Bodnantense Dawn (Arrowood)
A beautiful pink flowering, deciduous, medium size shrub, which flowers in late autumn and spring.
Viburnum Tinus
A hardy evergreen. Clusters of flowers start as pink buds before opening to white flowers in the autumn. These are followed by blue-black berries.
Hamamelis (Witch Hazel)
Slow growing shrub. The leaves give good autumn colour, before the freaky spider-like flowers emblazon the bare branches in the winter.
Physalis franchetti (Chinese Lanterns)
Whilst not a shrub, we couldn’t miss this one out due to the gorgeous, bright orangey-red, paper-like lanterns it produces in the autumn! A hardy herbaceous plant, it has the largest lanterns of any of the Physalis varieties.
Hebe High Voltage
Great for year-round interest. A slow-growing, compact variety, once its beautiful, summer, flower spikes have faded, the cold of the winter encourages the foliage to turn a beautiful bronze.
Pittosporum Oliver Twist (New Zealand Lemonwood)
A compact, bushy shrub with small, evergreen, silvery leaves for year-round interest.
Aucuba Rozannie (Japanese Laurel)
A compact evergreen shrub with dark glossy leaves. Small purple flowers give way to large, glossy red fruits in autumn and winter.
Multipurpose products will kill weeds and moss and feed your lawn all in one.
Our team can help select the best one for you!
Winter Bedding
are often considered spring-flowering plants, however some perennial species flower well into summer and autumn. The best time to plant out bedding wallflowers is in September and October and they are suitable for beds, borders and containers.
The key to productive winter pansies is to plant them September to early October whilst the soil is still warm. This will encourage them to produce strong roots and bushy tops which will produce abundant, colourful flowers throughout the winter/p>
Similar to pansies, just smaller and more delicate. They are very hardy and can survive very cold spells! They will bloom from autumn right through to spring!
Primroses herbaceous semi-evergreen perennials which throw up clusters of flowers from a rosette of leaves in later winter. Primroses come in a range of beautiful colours.
Another popular choice for garden colour from later winter through to spring. With a huge range of bright, blazing colours, they can survive the harshest of British winters. Plant out from mid-September to early October.
give a beautiful autumn display with their double flowers and soft green leaves and have the added bonus of having a gorgeous fragrance.
Wallflower from later winter into early spring, throwing up blooms from rosettes of foliage. Colours ranging from white, through pink to dark red.
are ideal for planting in shady spots, under trees or on banks and look especially good when planted with the likes of snowdrops and primroses. They will flower in late winter through to early spring.
Our winter bedding is in stock now – come and see our full range!
*Please note, images are for illustrative purposes. We may not stock that variant.