Watling Street, Towcester, Northants, NN12 6GX
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Mon-Sat: 9am-5:30pmCafe: 9am-5pm

Sunday: 10:30am-4:30pmCafe: 10:00am-4pm

In these times of uncertainty and high drama, everyone needs to be gardening to relax the mind and soothe the soul. That’s why I am never too stressed!

While the weather is cold you need to mix up cold jobs with warm jobs to keep warm. Digging over the veggie patch is great this time of year (warm job) you could also prune apple trees, roses etc (cold job). Half an hour alternately will get both jobs done and keep you warm! While digging over your vegetable garden it is always useful to add organic matter. Spread compost over the surface of a weed-free soil and dig the compost into the soil. If this is done during frosty weather the freezing water in the surface layer of the newly turned over soil will freeze, expand and split any clods of soil down into fine particles, perfect for sowing new seeds in a few weeks’ time.

Pruning roses in January means that you can prune them a little harder back than you would do if you pruned them in March without reducing the number of flowers.

Smooth flat car park and paths bring new problems – slipping, we had to get out into the courtyard swiftly this morning to put some grit down. Historically our rough paths gave more traction to the shoe in frosty weather.

Seed potatoes are all in stock, some are loose, some in bags of 10 and some in 2kg bags. To chit or not to chit that is the question, personally, I don’t think it makes any difference.

Great time for planting trees and shrubs, gives them time to settle in before the hot weather.

Have a great weekend.


Ashley Warren

Ashley Warren has lived and loved horticulture and agriculture all his life; he had his first greenhouse at the age of 10 and his first cow when he was 16. He started landscaping in 1984 mainly in Milton Keynes and then all over the country. He moved to Daventry Road Farmhouse in 1987 and has developed Bell Plantation Garden Centre in Towcester, Northants over the last 30 years.