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Time Flies When You’re having Fun
Its amazing how time flies when you are having fun! We are having a ball getting ready for the new gardening season in our new skin. I am not sure if you have visited us recently, in the last 5 months we have added a new Garden Centre building to the rear of our shop and linked the Cafe to the Garden Centre with a 6000sq ft Canopy. If that has not been enough we have now decided to add another 5000sq ft glass canopy over our new bedding plant area, this is due to be finished by the end of March 17.
Tuesday this week our 2 Hives of Honey Bees were out in force all over the Hellebore flowers in the plant area.
Hellebores (sometimes known as the Christmas or Lenten rose) are perennial garden plants with elegant flowers, perfect for brightening up shady areas during late winter and early spring. Some species are grown for their striking evergreen architectural foliage.
Hellebores prefer to grow in rich, well-drained soil in dappled shade. Avoid planting in very dry or waterlogged soil. Provide shelter from strong, cold winds.Water during dry spells and mulch annually with leaf mould, chipped bark or other organic matter in autumn.
Where growth is unsatisfactory, apply a general-purpose fertiliser, such as growmore or fish, blood & bone, in spring at 50-70g per square metre (1½-2 oz per square yard). Container grown specimens can be fed with balanced liquid fertiliser, or with a high potassium fertiliser such as tomato feed, to encourage blooms.
Its is our plan this year to offer an even broader range of plants for our enthusiastic customers.Steve the Plant area Manager is busy trying to find a good supplies of quality English grown unusual plants.
As you know we love the soil and all that comes from it.
Have a great weekend, if you haven’t got much on prune your Roses.
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