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Mon-Sat: 9am-5:30pmCafe: 9am-5pm

Sunday: 10:30am-4:30pmCafe: 10:00am-4pm

June in the garden

Hopefully you are enjoying a beautiful, colourful garden, and if you grow your own produce, you can start to enjoy some of the fruits of your labour. There’s still some essential jobs to do as well.

Here’s a summary, but scroll down if you want more information on any of these jobs!

In the Vegetable Plot

  • Plant Runner Beans
  • Plant out tender veg
  • Look after Tomato plants
  • Harvest salad

In the Flower Bed

  • Plant out bedding plants
  • Lift and divide bulbs

Around the Garden

  • Protect Roses from pests
  • Deadhead roses
  • Make compost

In the vegetable plot

Plant some Runner Beans

There is still time! Sow them directly in the ground now.

Plant out tender veg

Now the risk of frost has passed, you can plant out tender vegetables such as courgettes , squash and sweet corn.

Look after your Tomato plants

Now is a good time to plant your tomatoes outside if you haven’t already and get them ready to maximise their fruit. Pinch off any new side shoots to help direct the plants energy into fruit growing on the main stem and tie up your plants to canes or supports as your plants will grow quite high and get very heavy (hopefully!).

Harvest your salad

You should now be able to start picking lettuce leaves and any other salad you planted earlier in the year. Make sure you pick the leaves from the outside of the plant which will help promote a supply of new leaves. Enjoy the bounty of your labour!

Ask for help with veg

In the flower beds

Plant out Bedding Plants

Now that the risk of frost has passed, you can plant out bedding plants in containers and borders. Lightly fork over the soil in your borders and add Fish Blood & Bone fertiliser to boost nutrients. Make sure the root ball of the plants is moist and water in after you have planted to ensure they establish well.

Lift and divide bulbs

Lift and divide bulbs as they finish flowering. Many bulbs become congested after a few years and will benefit from being divided (which also means you can spread the colour to another part of your garden). Once bulb foliage has died down naturally, you can cut it back.

Visit us for bedding plants

Around the garden

Protect Roses from pests

June is the time when roses really start coming into flower so make sure you keep on top of those unwanted pests, such as Aphids, by spraying them and keep your roses looking amazing. You can spray them with strong jet on a hose (be careful not to knock of leaves or flower heads), or try a soapy water mix (do this on a cooler day, and wash off after 15 mins to avoid damaging the plant)

Deadhead roses

You should also, deadhead your roses to encourage fresh buds and pull out any weeds that might be taking nutrients away from the plant. It might be worth giving them a feed with a specialist rose fertiliser after the first bloom.

Make your own compost

Now that the garden is in full growth and the lawn is being cut regularly there should be plenty of material available for composting. Make sure you mix nitrogen rich material, such as grass clippings and manure, with carbon rich material, such as flower stalks and woody clippings, to ensure your compost breaks down evenly. If you’ve got time, turn your compost regularly for faster results.

Ask for composting advice

For the wildlife…

Bird baths

Keep bird baths topped up.

Pruning shrubs

Take care when pruning shrubs and hedges; always check first for nesting birds.

Rose hips

Leave some spent roses untouched to develop rosehips – animals and small mammals will feed on them.

Pollinator friendly plants

Grow some pollinator friendly plants to attractive wildlife into your garden.


Visit us for pollinator friendly plants

What To Plant This Month